Sunday, February 17, 2008

Week 5, Thing # 11

This is a test document. If this works, I hope to never have to email myself documents again!

I see many ways to use this application in a school setting. Students (or teachers) working collaboratively in groups would have more flexibility, and they would enjoy instant editing. I think this would become the 'conference call' of document editing.

Additionally, students would not have to rely on personal email accounts for attaching their documents that they need to finish at home. This has been a problem at my school -- they forget their parents' passwords, etc. One big advantage is that this feature is completely free, and can't be lost like a flash drive.

I have created this word document using Google Docs, and It was very easy to navigate and understand. I like the format and the ease of use. I would recommend this tool to anyone, even someone with a marginal knowledge of word processing. Now I will attempt to publish it as a post on my blog!

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