Sunday, January 27, 2008

Week 3, Thing # 7

I explored Flickr and several of its mash-up applications. I am very excited about many of the applications, especially the ability to create trading cards and magazine covers. Students could create magazine covers of the famous people they read about in their biographies. Trading cards could enable my sixth graders to learn elements in science, and my geography students could create nation cards. My head is spinning with all this fun!

My creation

My creation cat friend
Originally uploaded by ddreny
I found that creating this trading card was easy using fd's Flickr Toys application.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Week 3, Thing # 6 (My Library)

My Library
Originally uploaded by ddreny
My library is divided into many different areas, and this is a reading area. I have since added a magazine rack behind the table. Students enjoy dropping in to read and socialize whenever they have a few minutes during the day or after school. It's usually a very busy place!

Week 3, Thing # 6 (green ones are hard to find)

green ones are hard to find
Originally uploaded by omnia
This photo struck me because I am an avid rock and mineral collector. It was photographed in Australia. Such color! I will be visiting Australia this spring, and I can't wait to check out the beaches!

Week 3, Thing #5 Flickr

This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Week 2, Thing # 3

My avatar is up! Although it seemed like a daunting task, I was able to easily follow the directions on creating the avatar and exporting it to a blog that were posted on the MSLA blog. Thank you for the concise and easy-to-follow steps. I feel that I am inching along in this process!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Week 1 Thing #2

I enjoyed watching the video on the lifelong learning habits. The habit that will most likely be difficult for me to incorporate into my plan will be the first one, beginning with the end in mind. It can be a daunting task for me to fully understand where I need to go in order to sequentially create the steps necessary to reach that goal. The habit I find to be the easiest is the third one, viewing problems as challenges, not crises. I have already adopted that attitude in my own life. The last step, to play, was most refreshing. How often do we forget that this is essential to function! I look forward to actively incorporating these habits as I navigate the new technologies in this course!